Sermon Series

John is a first-hand glimpse into the life of Jesus and the life he brings.
This term we dive into chapters 13-21, known as the ‘The Book of Glory.” We’ll follow Jesus’ farewell discourse and his crucifixion, death, and resurrection. We’ll also delve into the richness of Old Testament allusions, Christ’s instructions to us as his disciples, and the heart of the gospel - that many people might believe in Jesus and have life in His name (John 20:31).
Click below to download our term 1 ‘John’ bible study book.
Want to catch up on our most recent sermon?
Any of these commentaries will help guide you through the main ideas, themes and exegetical arguments in the book of John. There are more academic and more pastoral options available. Pick whichever you’d like!
More Pastoral
Read Mark Learn: John
St Helen’s Bishopsgate
The Bible Speaks Today
The Message of John: Here is your King! By Bruce Milne
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
John by Colin G. Kruse
More Academic
The Pillar New Testament Commentary
The Gospel According to John by D. A. Carson
A Free Resource
A Commentary By Andreas Köstenberger
Online Resources
John Audio Commentary
Alistair Robert produced an audio-commentary of every book of the bible a few years ago. This is an incredible free resource for you to watch.
A video summary of the Book of John
The Bible Project has short video summaries of every book of the bible. These are great for a quick overview of the book. Part 1 is below, so don’t forget to check out part two as well.