Invest in the Gospel being taken to the Shire & beyond
For over 120 years the work of St Luke’s has been funded by its members. There is no external organisation paying our bills. There’s just us. We have experienced the life changing generosity of Jesus and we give that others may experience it too.
Where does your giving go?
Local Mission: Generous giving funds events, programs and services made to share Jesus with our community and deepen our relationship with God.
Global Mission: Generous giving allows us to raise up and send out missionaries to continue sharing the good news of Jesus all around the world.
St Luke’s Ministry Team: Generous giving builds a dedicated staff team to lead and equip us in living for Jesus.
Ministry Space: Generous giving allows us to maintain current facilities and build better spaces for all ages to worship and grow.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV
How to give
You can give online, or by cash in-person.
Bank Transfer
Name: St Luke's Miranda
BSB: 062 204
Account Number: 28024796
Reference: Giving