Join us for HYPE!
Over 4 jam packed days we’ll have awesome games, drama, music, Bible stories, jumping castle, giant water slide, friendship & fun!
Dates & Times
April 14-17, the first week of the April School Holidays.
Each day will run from 9:00am-12:30pm at St Luke's Miranda
$100 for 4 days.
This includes camp shirt, morning tea each day and everything we need for a great week together.
HYPE is a holiday program for school aged children (years K-6) that is run by St Luke’s Miranda’s Kids’ Ministry. Each day of HYPE features fun filled events, including time together hearing from the Bible, singing, dramas and more. This is then followed by a small group time where kids will be in groups of 7-10 peers with 2 leaders. Then we’ll spend the rest of our time playing games, craft, activities and more.
Please bring a water bottle for each child. Morning tea will be provided each day, however, children are welcome to bring an additional NUT FREE snack if desired.
Note: Kids Club is a Nut Aware event. Due to the number of children attending, we cannot 100% guarantee a completely nut free environment. Please talk to us if this is of concern to you.
Due to the nature of the activities, we recommend that children wear joggers, comfortable clothes, sunscreen and a hat. Please do not wear expensive clothing or bring any valuables, electronic game consoles, mobile phones, cameras or jewellery. Lost property will be placed in a box at the help desk and we do our best to return items that are clearly labelled. Lost property will be held until the end of the school holiday period.
Please contact the office (02) 9540 4558 to arrange a time to check and collect any lost items.
Please be aware that photographs and videos of the children at St Luke’s may be taken for the highlights video, St Luke’s Anglican Church website, Facebook page and publications in future promotions. There is a box during the registration process if you don’t want your child included in photos.
No child will be admitted to HYPE if they are showing any signs of illness or infection on arrival. Children are required to wait a minimum of 24 hours before returning.
Parents/carers are ultimately responsible for determining their child’s ability to actively participate in the daily activities. While we sympathise with the needs of each parent, we must provide a healthy environment for other children and leaders. If a child becomes ill during the Kids Club program, parents will be contacted to collect their child. In the event of an accident, first aid will be administered and an ambulance will be called if necessary. Should transportation to hospital be required an adult St Luke’s leader will travel with your child until such time as their parent can take over.
Please respect the start and finish times by delivering and collecting your child(ren) in line with the published times. Morning sign in for will open at 8:45am for a 9:00am start.
The program will conclude at 12:30pm. We cannot guarantee staffing levels beyond this finish time. Children must be signed out by an authorised adult as listed in the registration form. We will not allow any child to return home unaccompanied or with an un-authorised adult.
HYPE is held at St Lukes Anglican Church Miranda. Our entrance is on Jackson Avenue. We have parking spaces onsite and Westfield carpark is next door.
We set ourselves high standards and expect that the children attending HYPE behave in accordance: treating others, personal property and facilities with respect; listening to and following instructions all leaders.
Swearing, abusive language, aggressive behaviour or violence will not be tolerated. Any failure to comply with these conditions will result in parents being asked to collect and sign out their child immediately.
Still got questions?
Committed to being safe
Ministry to children, youth and the vulnerable is an enormous privilege. These ministries provide great opportunities to talk to people about who Jesus is and why he changes everything, hence they are immensely important to the life of a Church. With these ministries to children, youth and the vulnerable comes significant responsibility, so at St Luke's we are committed to ensuring that we are an environment that is safe for those in our care.
All of our Kids programs come under the oversight of our Kids Minister, Jess Moran, and are lead by trained volunteers who have completed Safe Ministry training and are up to date with the NSW government guidelines in relation to obtaining a Working with Children Check Number.